Friday, October 29, 2010

Vomit Comet

Indeed not wise to gloat to soon. My champion sleeper has morphed into a vomit comet with a post nasal drip that results in coughing, gagging, choking and then projectile vomit. What joy! Is it child abuse to make your 6 month old eat, sleep and play in a bath tub for 48 hours...?

I must admit though my heart breaks for the little guy. He is such a trooper giving big toothless smiles at his parents between nausea episodes when you just know he feels like death. What a champion.

Once again I wonder where that pesky manual is though. At what point does the pendulum switch from paranoid clingon parent to blasé blunderer? I am assuming a temperature under 39 negates the need for a doctor but let's see how this weekend plays out...


  1. Hi, great to meet you., Not sure if you are South African or not, but at Dischem you can buy a little thing called a Nosefrida. You can suck out the goos. ( I find the idea gross but it has a filter and really if you are desperate enough you will do it) Get it, it's cheap and works wonders.

  2. Hi cat, thanks you too. Yes am saffer. I have one of those nose pulled things but how on earth are you supposed to get the blerrie to child to stay still long enough to use it? Best case I poke him in the cheek - worst case he loses an eye...
