Friday, October 22, 2010

Sleep - or the lack there of it

James has started a delightful new habit of sleeping from 7 to 1am and then waking up hourly. And not just so that we can quickly pop a dummy in - no he wants the Full Monty. Lullabies, rocking, knee dips you name it. I think I may be being punished for being so smug about his excellent sleeping habits at last weeks moms and babies group!

On the upside, on the evening of the day after James' first night of horror I lay in bed next to dh (who had scored a full 8 hours of sleep the night before) and gave full vent to my bottled up spleen. Now to be fair hubbie has to go to work in the morning in order for me to stay home all day and be with James so the tacit understanding (ok not so tacit - stated!) is that I will get up to deal with James. On roughly 5 hours of broken sleep though my agreement has gone out the window and what followed was a rather heated exchange which included all manner of unrelated sins regarding plumbing, gardening and picture hanging (guys I have no idea why we woman compound an original argument with all other minute transgressions but we do so best deal.) Having thrown every possible grievance at dh I fell asleep leaving him seething. So much so that he got up for every. single. noise. Yeah baby. So I had a glorious night of sleep. Followed by a day with much apologising.

If only I'd known that exaggerated accusations provoked that reaction I'd have used them years ago! I'm working on my next topic. It will either be laundry or dishes. How far do you think I can ride this...?

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